Workplace reiki
If you are interested in introducing reiki into your workplace, I provide onsite reiki treatments to:
Help your employees to feel better
Build a healthy workplace
Support your employee wellbeing strategy
Reiki is a holistic energy treatment that helps correct and restore the natural flow of energy through your body. It’s a great way to give your team an energy boost during the day either in the office or at a team or corporate event.
Benefits of reiki for your employees
A reiki treatment promotes relaxation and calmness. This in turn helps boost your body's natural healing abilities. It is natural and gentle and suitable for everyone.
In the workplace, it can help employees to:
Thrive - by helping them feel more positive and confident
Cope more effectively with stressful situations
Feel more energised and motivated
Produce more clarity of thought, helping to boost creativity and drive innovation
Work more efficiently
Benefits of reiki for your business
By investing in the wellbeing of your employees, with treatments such as reiki, it will help you as an employer to:
Increase productivity and organisational performance
Drive creativity and innovation
Improve employee wellbeing and create a healthier, happier work environment
Reduce sickness levels and burnout
Achieve your business goals
How does it work?
A workplace reiki session can be any duration from 15 minutes up to an hour and a half. Even a short session of reiki can supply a burst of positive energy to help employees to feel relaxed, refreshed, recharged and rejuvenated.
All that is required is a quiet room. During a treatment, the employee will like on a reiki couch or sit in a chair - fully clothed (minus shoes).
Feedback from clients is that reiki has helped to:
Reduce stress, anxiety and depression
Energise, reduce fatigue and improve sleep
Relieve menstrual and menopausal symptoms
Boost energy levels
Promote the natural healing process
Improve menstrual and menopausal symptoms
Relieve emotional distress
Please contact Vicky for more details.
Findings of the Health and Wellbeing
at work report 2023
The Health and Wellbeing at Work 2023 report found that:
Stress and mental health require continued focus.
Sickness absence
Employee sickness absence is at the highest level reported for over a decade.
The average level of employee absence rose to 7.8 days per employee, or 3.4% of working time lost.
Stress at work
Stress continues to be one of the main causes of absence. Heavy workloads remain the main cause of stress-related absence, followed by management style.
Mental Health
Poor mental health is in the top three causes of short-term absence - along with minor illnesses and musculoskeletal injuries.
Poor mental health is also one of the most common causes of long-term absence (four weeks or more), along with musculoskeletal injuries, acute medical conditions and stress.
COVID-19 continues to have significant impact, with over a third (37%) reporting it is among their top three causes of short-term absence.
Presenteeism (working when ill) remains prevalent with most respondents reporting they are aware of people working when ill – in the workplace and/or at home.
Access to complementary therapies
16% of respondents have access to complementary therapies (eg reflexology, massage, reiki etc). Up 5% from last year.